Nutrition or Habit

Does maneuvering the maze of nutrition frustrate you? We get it - there’s a world of conflicting misinformation out there, and navigating it alone can bring even the most confident person to tears. Our day-to-day behaviours, including those around food, are often automatic, unconscious, & compelling. If you’re feeling lost and craving change, we’re here to guide you.


Why Invest in Nutrition or Habit Coaching?

Frankly, we should’ve been taught this in school. Our education & awareness around something we literally have to do in order to live has left us all undeniably confused. We’ve done the legwork, and we’re here to help you unpack all of the misinformation out there. We’re here to help you navigate through the muddy waters of well balanced nutrition.

Many of our behaviours around nutrition & our daily habits leave us feeling frustrated. After all, it’s hard to change something that feels inherent or automatic. Our habits add up and have a tendency to take us in one of two directions: further from, or closer to our goals. We’re here to help you refine the process of how to get there.

You might be looking to optimize your nutrition for your performance or a body composition goal. You might be looking to gain education around a way to eat that can take you through your life. Or, you might be looking to pinpoint what it is within your environment, your habits, or behaviours that may be blocking you from achieving your goals.

Wherever you fall on this spectrum, we’re here to help gently guide you, support you and educate you.

HOW We Work


Our close contact service is your one stop shop for support & guidance. As it’s not location dependent, we can literally meet you where you’re at. The convenience, accountability, & structure we hone in on works as a guide to getting you from where you are, to where you want to be.

With your individual preferences, goals & unique history in mind, we help guide you through your nutrition. For some, this might mean tracking macros. For others, it might mean repairing their relationship with food. Everything we do is tailored to the individual needs of each & every client.

With your current lifestyle in mind, we help you hone in on the habits that take you closer to or further away from your big goals. The little things add up, and can surmount to seeing progress or seeing none at all.

Weekly, we will be checking in with you to discuss where you’re at in detail, to help us pinpoint the wins and the areas of opportunity we should pay some extra attention to. We alternate week to week - one week by e-mail, one week by phone.

What WE Need From You

What makes a successful online coaching client is:

  • Your willingness to learn

  • Your commitment & dedication to your plan

  • Your patience to trust the process

  • Your honesty, openness, & vulnerability

Each Month Includes:

- Customized nutrition support & guidance
- Customized habit coaching
- Weekly check-ins, either by phone or e-mail
- Ongoing support & accountability (we will always respond within 1 business day)
- Results that match the effort you put in


Our Pricing

We require a 12 week commitment for all new clients. Change takes time, and we want to help set you up on the path of success.

On a weekly basis, coaching comes out to $50 USD. For new clients, the first 12 weeks are payable up front. Should you decide to continue, you will be billed every 4 weeks.


Click below to fill out the application for coaching.